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Monday 8 August 2011

Gold Bangles

Swiss Cut Solid 6mm Bangle Bracelet

Swiss Cut Solid 6mm Bangle Bracelet

Solid Designer Bangle Bracelet, 14K Yellow Gold View Close-Up
Item #: SB42-7
Retail Value: 875.00
Our Price: 

14K Solid Gold Swiss Cut Bangle Bracelet.
Available in 7 inches (2.50 inch inside diameter) and 7 1/2 inches (2.75 inch inside diameter).

Beautiful Designer 24K Gold Plated Bangles.

A Beautiful Bangles which always draws great comments from friends and colleagues. These are the Most Beautifully Designed Bangles suitable for Daily, Party as well as for Simple Dressing.

This Bangles has a high quality 24K Gold Plating. Share your heart and time with your loved one, with this new Bangles, which is elegant enough to accent evening attire too. Guaranteed to attract attention from your friends and colleagues, which will definitely make heads turn around.

Nothing compares to these classic Bangles, an ideal Gift for your beloved one. These are the most beautiful top quality Bangles, made to look just like real Bangles and have the same Sparkle. Even jewellers have a hard time telling them apart!!! So, treat yourself or of your loved ones to the richness and brilliance of Beautiful Jewelry without the high prices. Our Breathtaking Bangles have all the fire and depth of real metals.

Item Details

Cutting : Hand Cutting
Weight : Aprox 100grms
Shape  : Round Faceted
Color   : Gold 
Clarity : Good
Luster : Excellent
Treatment : Heat Only

Indian Bangles Sizes

Indian Bangles are sized by their diameter, The unit of measurement is inches.
An inch is further divided into 16 sections. So, when a bangle size is 2-8 (pronounced two eight), it means the diameter of the bangle is 2 inches plus 8 / 16 sections of the inch. Which is 2 and half inches. In other words this size will be 2.5" (pronounced two point five inches)

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Gold Ear Rings

The piece was found beneath a parking lot next to the walls of Jerusalem's Old City. It dates to the Roman period just after the time of Jesus, said Doron Ben-Ami, who directed the dig.

The earring was uncovered in a destroyed Byzantine structure built centuries after the piece was made, showing it was likely passed down through generations, he said.

Archaeologists came upon the earring in a corner while excavating the ruins of the building under a parking lot. "Suddenly one of the excavators came up shouting 'Eureka!'" said Ben-Ami.

The find is eye-catching: A large pearl inlaid in gold with two drop pieces, each with an emerald and pearl set in gold.

"It must have belonged to someone of the elite in Jerusalem," Ben-Ami said. "Such a precious item, it couldn't be one of just ordinary people."

Archaeologist Shimon Gibson, who was not involved in the dig, said the find was truly amazing, less because of its Roman origins than for its precious nature.

"Jewelry is hardly preserved in archaeological context in Jerusalem," he said, because precious metals were often sold or melted down during the many historic takeovers of the city.

"It adds to the visual history of Jerusalem," Gibson added, saying it brings attention to the life of women in antiquity.

Ben-Ami the piece's placement in the destroyed building protected it from looters and kept it preserved. Its location also showed that it must be older than the house itself.

The Israel Antiquities Authority said the earring appeared to have been made using a technique similar to that depicted in portraits from Roman-era Egypt. Experts were able to date the earring by comparing it to similar finds in Europe.

In a statement released Monday, the Antiquities Authority said the earring was "astonishingly well-preserved." Finds from the Roman period are rare in Jerusalem, Ben-Ami said, because the city was destroyed by the Roman Empire in the first century A.D.

Though Gibson dates the piece slightly later than the antiquities authority, to sometime between the second and fourth centuries A.D., he said its quality and beauty were impressive.

And Ben-Ami said he expects more small, luxury items to turn up in future excavations.

Gold Neckles

Gold Necklaces
Besides obvious design and material based variances, Tiffany gold necklaces differ from  in the spirit, or mood they project. While the silver jewelry opts for calm, humble – though often surprisingly sophisticated – arrangements of alloy and semi-precious stones, gold pieces, especially yellow ones, go unapologetically for the celebration. Colors, bold juxtapositions of materials, combinations of textures, and unending variety of themes dictate the atmosphere in the gold necklaces department.
Tiffany employ various materials to supply the needed range of colors and surfaces. Among the most popular are the pearls, with their milky, creamy glow, and coal black onyx beads or pendants – an almost direct opposite of the pearls. White gold and platinum restrain somewhat the exuberance of the yellow with a sufficiently rich, yet restraining sheen.
 Both pearls (Tiffany use almost exclusively cultured pearls, preferring their perfect spherical shape to the irregularities of natural ones) and onyx introduce informal qualities to the jewelry. It's difficult to pinpoint exactly what makes these materials less “hard” than the metal – perhaps its their origins, the land and the water, that connect readily to the outside ambience, which includes the people (wearers and observers) as well.
Pearls blend particularly well with platinum, as their comforting warm glow finds a solid support in this strong precious metal.
Platinum, Gemstones
Platinum and gemstones (diamonds, sapphires) provide an uncompromising luxury alternative to both strictly gold and strictly silver items. The peculiarities of this blend find the most evident reflection in the price, which often crosses the five and sometimes the six figure mark.
But beyond cost, the combination of these materials demonstrates their genuine beauty – they compliment each other, one allowing the other to glitter in more ways that would have been possible in a sole arrangement. Platinum and diamond necklaces constitute, without a doubt, among Tiffany's pinnacles of jewelry composition and design.

Gold Rings

Gold Rings and Fur Pelts is the debut solo album from Montreal singer-songwriter Molly Sweeney, but it is not the first time she has made her presence known in grand fashion. She first made a memorable appearance on Land of Kush's 2009 album Against the Day, writing lyrics and showcasing her powerhouse vocal chops on the epic "Bilocations". Since then, she has gone on to perform both live and on record with Sam Shalabi and the various incarnations of his ambitious Land of Kush project, and a healthy trace of that outsized ambition has evidently rubbed off on Sweeney. Gold Rings and Fur Pelts splits its attention between intimate psych-folk and stylized chamber-pop, often with an emphasis on mood and atmosphere rather than songcraft.
As a vocalist, Sweeney is a remarkable talent. Her elliptical songwriting and acoustic instrumentation have already led to some inevitable comparisons to Joanna Newsom, but that seems to me a bit misleading. Sweeney has a multi-octave range that lends her vocals considerably more versatility than Newsom's, and in its lower registers her voice can recall classic Joni Mitchell or Judee Sill before then soaring upwards in wild swoops reminiscent of Josephine Foster. Sweeney herself alludes to Marianne Faithfull with one title here, "Not Faithfull", a nice homage that seems another red herring-- she's got innumerable cartons of cigarettes ahead of her before she can approximate Faithfull's rasp.
With Sweeney's voice as the music's constantly shifting center, she and co-producer Radwan Moumneh surround her performances with discrete orchestration, using an extended group comprised largely of various Land of Kush and Constellation label veterans. Together, they produce moments of aching loveliness, such as the shivery cello and viola that opens "Spirit, Will I See You" or the spot-on woodwinds that encircle the opening "Swollen". Ultimately, however, Sweeney and the group are not able to disguise the impression that most of these songs are just not quite there.
Despite, or perhaps because of, her ambitious style as a songwriter, Sweeney does not sound much interested in repeating choruses or crafty pop hooks. This tendency doesn't matter as much on the detail-oriented "Spirit, Will I See You" or the ornate, jazzy closer "Radiant Sun", which maintain interest through their ever-changing color palettes. But without memorable hooks, Sweeney's simpler, folky pieces such as "Florida" or "Full Moon" are rendered meandering and aimless, and border dangerously close to generic, Jewel-like coffeehouse pop. At the other end of the spectrum, the album's title track is a daring pastiche of Argentinean tango, enlivened by Sweeney's full-throated vocals and French lyrics, yet it is unconvincing as anything but a diverting bit of theater.
The album's lyrics are also a stumbling block. In several instances Sweeney's lyrics seem to have been written in a strange rush, leading to clunky rhymes ("You were fit once, just like a god/ A sweet young child in a grown-up's bod") that can stop an otherwise sophisticated song dead in its tracks. Here again, her ambition seems to have gotten the best of her, as on "Eros and Psyche" whose mythic title might suggest a lavish narrative but instead details a romantic encounter ("His hands were softer than a breeze/ I'd put my fingers in his curls/ That gathered like the tops of trees") better suited to a Harlequin paperback. These distractions accumulate enough to leave Gold Rings and Fur Pelts a tantalizing misfire, one that can hopefully be improved upon once Sweeney manages to bring her extraordinary voice and grand songwriting ambitions into tighter focus.

Gold Braclets

Gold bracelets or the silver bracelets should be your choice if you want something that could be worn on hands without having to worry about maintaining. Both the metals silver and gold are strong enough to take the rigors of each day and still look beautiful for a long time to come.
Gold bracelets and silver bracelets, both are available easily, you will thousands of designs in this category,gold bracelets do not come in very cheap, but these cost lesser than the gemstone bracelets, if you want goldjewelry at lesser cost try out the 14 carat gold and white gold jewelry, very exquisite in look, this jewelry too has the ability to dazzle.
Silver bracelets on the other hand, come quite inexpensive; if you do not mind a little bit of maintenance then this is ideal jewelry for regular use. You will find some of the best designs in silver jewelry. Silver as a metal is very easy to convert into designs, therefore it is possible to create some extraordinary designs in silver as well as in gold.
Buying jewelry online would allow you a lot of benefits. Some of these benefits are:
· You will find some of the world's best designs at your fingertips;
· You will save some time and energy going to different jewelry shops to find just the right piece, instead you will find everything extraordinary at your fingertips;
· Most of the online jewelry stores offer you grand discounts and sale, you can avail any of the benefits and buy your jewelry cheaply.
· Online prices of jewelry is generally lower than the market value of same piece, this can help you save money;
· You will find your piece of jewelry delivered to the address of your wish, this works in your favor especially if you are gifting this jewelry piece to someone.
You should take care that the bracelet you choose does not have edges of sharp ends or else it will damage your dresses. Another point to take care of is that the bracelets or bangles you wear should not have very minute design or else the dust will accumulate here!
Gold or silver jewelry will last a long time, again gold and silver always has good value in exchange. Therefore, check out the gold and silver bracelets and add charm to your hands.
The Earth Star was found in the Jagersfontein Mine in 1967. It was cut from a raw stone of about 248.9 carats into a Pear shaped stone weighing 111.59 carats. At the time it was considered the largest faceted brown diamond in the world. This particular stone shows a degree of brilliance that is not usually found in gems with such a strong color. It was sold in 1983 to Stephen Zbova of Naples for $900,000.
Eureka Diamond
This gem is not exceptional but it was the very first diamond found in South Africa. It was found by a shepherd boy in 1866 on the bank of the Orange River near Hopetown. It was passed from hand to hand by several people without it becoming know that it was a diamond until Dr. W. G. Atherstone of Grahamstone came into possession of the pebble. Dr Atherstone was one of the very few people in the Cape colony who knew anything about gemstones. It was cut into a 21.25 brownish yellow diamond and sold in 1867.
Excelsior Diamond
This stone was found at the Jagersfontein mine by one of the workers in a shovel full of gravel. Instead of giving it to his overseer as was required he hid it in his pocket and gave it directly to the Mine Manager. This 995.2 carat diamond has suffered a tragic fate ever since and is considered to be the Great Unknown of famous diamonds. It just happened to be found on the exact day that a consortium of London firms that had the purchase rights to the mines output expired. Had the diamond been found a couple of hours earlier the history of the Excelsior Diamond may have been much different. The Excelsior Diamond is the second largest rough diamond of gem quality ever found only surpassed by the Cullinan diamond. Since a buyer could not be found for such a large stone it was decided to cut the stone into a number of smaller stones the largest being only 69.68 carats. It was stated by Alpheus F. Williams, who later became the General Manager of the De Beers company, considering the decision to cleave the diamond into several smaller fragments as the greatest tragedy of modern times in the history of famous diamond in the world. In 1996 it was sold to Robert Mouawad for $2,642,000.

Gold Chains

HOWRAH: On Wednesday, a 35-year-old man was caught red-handed while snatching a gold chain and a pendant. The snatcher swallowed the stolen items to get away with the theft. On Friday, he was operated upon and the chain was retrieved.
The surgery was performed by Pabitra Deb Mukherjee and Jagannath Mukherjee at Howrah General Hospital. A 30-cm incision was made in Sohail Seikh's abdomen to retrieve the gold chain and the pendant. However, the doctors could only find the chain in his stomach. There was no trace of the pendant.
The owner of the jewelleery item, Komal Agarwal, told police the chain and pendent were worth 50,000. Howrah's DSP (North) Anuradha Mondol said, "The gold chain has been recovered, but there was no trace of the pendant as claimed by Agarwal."
Initially, in the first two attempts, the X-ray didn't reveal that the gold chain was in his intestine. However, on the third attempt, the chain was traced in a dense mass in his lower abdomen. The chain had reached the duodenum and was at a critical place which was life threatening. Seikh was writhing in pain since Wednesday night and the physicians informed him that he required immediate surgery or he could die. Unable to bear the pain, Sheikh consented to surgery.
Komal is yet to get her chain. When she was informed that she has to go to court to claim it, a miffed Komal claimed, "The police has asked me to go and prove to the court that the snatched chain is mine. I don't know whether I will get back the Tirupati pendant. This is nothing but a way of harassing people." Police said Sohail is yet to regain consciousness and is in hospital under police custody.
On Wednesday afternoon, Komal, a resident of Golabari's Nandibagan area, was going towards Burrabazar along with her 10-year-old son Bikash in a taxi. Just before Howrah Bridge, the taxi stopped at a traffic signal on GR Road. Suddenly, Seikh came and snatched the chain from Komal's neck.
He was trying to escape but Komal got off the taxi and started shouting for help. As there was a traffic snarl, Seikh could not run away and was caught by locals at the spot. To hide the chain and the pendant, Seikh swallowed both.